In our Sunday Devotional series of the month, we are continuing with Old Testament lessons on Accountability and Justice. The scriptures teach us that to much is given, much is required (Luke 12:48) and we should heed much to God’s warning.

Corruption is Challenged in every aspect and dimension of God’s order. No one can escape it as God demands we as Believers live to a standard higher than the one our world permits. As an example in the chronicles of the Acts of the Apostles (chapter 5) when Ananias and Sapphira attempt to deceived. There was immediate justice brought down on them in the presence of many to witness God’s righteousness.
In today’s lesson, the Lord deal and warns those who have the role to rule over his people are extremely held in high esteem. And by design, they are expected to live and oversee his people with a different level of urgency. We are encouraged to examine ourselves to ensure we are obeying the voice of the Lord.