As we come upon our annual and traditional Thanksgiving festivities, let us be reminded of the many things we should be thankful for. The Lord our God has been so gracious to provide for us the only means of personal reconciliation with Him. We are indebted to him even if we never receive another thing, for we are in “the beloved” and have been declared righteous. We now have peace with God and the impending wrath which once rested on us has be removed. God has been so loving, he not only saved and redeemed us, but has eternally secured us in that love to the point that nothing can separate us from his love. He has placed us in a body of other believers of like-faith, now our sisters and brothers with whom we can can grow together, encourage and build up in our faith as children of the Most High God. He has called us into a holy calling whereby we are afforded the opportunity to represent His kingdom, testify of his goodness and introduce others to the same saving knowledge we have.
Thanksgiving has never been anymore appreciative than than now. In spite of all the disappointments, failures and heartaches we have experienced this year alone, God has chosen by his divine wisdom to love us as he does Israel, with an everlasting love. Let us be truly grateful this year and be kind to one another in the name of Jesus.

We want you also to be reminded of the the heightened health and safety concerns that are added to this year’s festivities. The novel coronavirus commonly referred to as COVID19 has strained every aspect of our normal ways of fellowshipping and celebrating.
As a Church family we will not be corporately fellowshipping with Little Grove this year as our custom, but Pastor Richardson has plans to present a special Thanksgiving Day experience which we will share with the New Berean family. In addition, as you plan your own personal gatherings, make sure you factor in the necessary precautions as recommended by our medical community. Things are not as we once knew them and we advise you all to stay safe and keep your family safe.

Once again, it is imperative we use and exercise godly wisdom to govern our lives to the glory of God. We have only been given these one vessels and we want to take care of the as best we can in honor of the One who died for us. If there are any special needs or concerns, we do want you to share them through your respective Deacons.
Remember, Let’s Stay Connect, Stay Safe