Archive | August 2021

Vigilant Times, Fervent Prayer

“The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:17b

Isolation, separation and ignorance are not the answers to reducing the risks associated with the COVID and other viruses our world is battling. But vigilance, knowledge of the facts and compliances do help. Let us help you and your family be as safe and conscience of our responsibilities to be the light of this world. The CDC (Center For Disease Controls) has provided us some valuable information for us to us and share (Workplace and Businesses guidelines)

The CDC recommends maintaining safe distances between one another while attending events and other social gatherings. We must recognize and accept that viruses such as the COVID-19 are transmitted through the air from one person to another. If we maintain safe distances no less than three feet, we can help reduce the risks of transmission. Other elements of safe practices like each of us wearing face masks along with distancing further reduce the risks.

Masks and face coverings are another tool we can and are expected to use to help minimize the spread of these viruses to help protect our family and friends. The use of masks is strongly encouraged to be worn by all of us.

Above all, it is imperative we remain vigilant and aware of our own health and the things we need to do to maintain good health. The body we’ve been given are the Lord’s and we are to be found faithful as good stewards with these things entrusted.

  • Know your health condition and take care of your body, God’s body.
  • Monitor changes in your health.
  • Consult your personal care or a competent medical physician when things change or are unexplainably different.
  • If you’ve been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for the COVID virus, you should immediately get tested as well.
  • Follow your doctors advice.

Read and know the facts regarding your health, protecting yourself and the health of others near and dear to you. We who are believers are members of the body of Christ (Roms 12:4, Eph. 2:19) have a biblical mandate to care for and be considerate to one another especially those of the “household of faith“. Let us both give and receive consideration in prayer, comfort and supplying the needs of each other. STAY CONNECT and in touch with your church and biologically family.

The CDC and You

Our responsibility and commitment to you comes from the Lord.

  • We, your New Berean family will keep you informed as we are provided with factual information.
  • We, your New Berean family will ensure our facility is safe for small and manageable gatherings and events.
  • We, your New Berean family will remain faithful and committed to “The Commission of Christ” as we ask you to do the same. The Lord expects us to rescue the perishing, comfort the hurting regardless of the circumstances for his glory.

Sunday’s Coming

Join us this Sunday for a time of Corporate Prayer, Praise and the Preaching of God’s Word. Whether In-Person or in our parking lot, New Berean encourages you both worship and fellowship with the people of God to encourage and be encouraged. Join us and invite a friend as we begin our 32nd year of ministry for the cause of Christ

In-Person Fellowship and Worship
“Safe Fellowship Protocol” Plans are in Effect
Parking Lot Audio Broadcast

32nd Victory Celebration

If you’ve been a member of New Berean for 32 years, twenty years or even one, you are part of a collection of people divinely appointed by the Lord for the purpose of being about his holy business. His business is to be his witnesses to the “Commission” which is to preach Christ to the lost, baptize those who believe and disciple those who follow, God has added you a work that has eternal benefits and rewards attached to his grace. By his order, we are united by his love, his mercy and grace and so are called to edify one another for his sake.

As we celebrate the 32nd anniversary of God’s ministry, let us be reminded we also celebrate being a “Church United”. We are a body of believers of like-faith joined and fitted together by the same Spirit. Working, serving and sharing in the work together, we supply and are supplied of every need and mature together for the cause of Christ and God’s glory.

“From whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.” Ephesian 4:16

Happy Anniversary New Berean!

Victory Celebration 2021

Great things God has done! Let’s rejoice in the God of our salvation. Ministries and Ministry Leaders let us bring together plans for the honoring of the Lord for the many blessings we have received through the ministry or New Berean.

Contact your ministry Leader and Leaders, contact your Deacon or suggestions including a cookout on the third of fourth Saturday on the Church grounds.