Archive | November 25, 2024

The BereanWay – This Week

Giving thanks to the Lord

This week’s meetings, sessions and gatherings are cancelled to give us all time to share with our families and friends the Source of our thanks. We pray for the entire BereanWay Family and extended family that our witness and testimony would be shared, heard and received as we see the day approaching,

Health Awareness Note:

The Health Education Ministry (H.E.M.) wants to remind us that November is National Family Caregivers month along with some other health care awareness issue. Be inform, education and healthy

Listen again to Sunday’s message, “Called to Care” by Minister James Parker of Calvary Evangelical Baptist Church.

Jeremiah wrote the letter of Lamentations as means to share with the God’s people, God’s pain for them. They were in slavery at the hands of their enemies as a direct result of their rebellion and disobedience to God’s word. God wants us to more of an influence and not conformed to our world but when we do, we become less effective.

Join us as Minister Parker shares with from Lam. 1:1-12 and Galatians 6:6-10