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From the Pastor’s Desk

Take a view minutes to follow along with Pastor Tony and our weekly discipleship training lessons:

Discipleship Training Lesson                                                                           1/14/2025

A New Soul Evangelized

Read Acts 16:13-15

1. The Sabbath Rest

a. There were three types of “rest” mentioned, name them? Hebrews 4:9-16 mentions which?

b. The Woman at the riverside: why were they meeting there?

c. The Synagogue: How many men were needed to start one?

d. The Riverside: How did Psalms 1:1-3 reflect Paul’s missionary team which were made up of who?

e. The Method and the Message of Paul to the woman was to?

2. Lydia – the first European Christian

            a. Tyrian Purple: How was it made

            b. What did the color purple symbolize?

            c. Who wore the color?

3. Lydia’s Testimony

a. She Believed and was Baptized, how did her testimony change her home and city.

b. Describe the person and type of woman Lydia was and came to be? Hint: verse 15  

A New Soul