Who Do You Trust (Part I), ( Part II)– As Believers, there are some things that are not negotiable. There are some things that we will not compromise on regardless of where the the questions come from. We are going to make life’s decisions based upon those “non-negotiables” and we need to know what we believe and who we trust.
In today’s message, Leroy Ricks shares with us why it is most important we know who we have place our trust in and why.
Learn From David – None of us have it all together. We do not have all the answers for all the questions. It has been said the “experience is the best teacher”. But what has not been said as much is that we do not have to personally experience at thing in order to learn a lesson. We can take the experiences of others and learn valuable lessons from theirs. In today’s Pulpit Points message, Pastor Leroy E. Ricks Sr, shares with an experience from David in which we can learn a thing or two.