Salvation – What is it?
Salvation, in its most generic use is the deliverance, preservation or rescuing from an unfavorable circumstance, harm or an impending dangerous situation. Our intent here is to help bring out the biblical message of salvation and why it is important to you. It is an element of our lives which none of will be exempted from. Biblical salvation is the deliverance and rescuing of mankind by God through the completed work of Jesus Christ.
The author of biblical salvation is the Lord God himself. His loving hands and desire is that all mankind be saved and rescued from the current standing of facing his eternal wrath. After God created the first man, Adam, he delegated to him some responsibilities, gave him a purpose. He also established boundaries for his protection and an opportunity to demonstrate trust and reliance towards his Creator. Sometime later, Adam failed in his responsibility and violated his boundary which resulted in the eternal condemnation of himself and all humankind to follow (Romans 5:12). By His divine judgment, God declares that all his human creation is contaminated with sin of Adam (Rom 3:10, 23). But also in his infinite wisdom and love, he has provided a means of redemption for men to be rescued.
Biblical salvation is love being demonstrated by a holy, righteous God for his human creation (Rom 5:8). As a holy God, he is compelled to execute judgment in order to satisfy the offense of sin. The only way to satisfy the offense was to offer up a suitable sacrifice. The biblical method of excusing a sin was to offer an animal which met the requirements of God. That animal has to be spotless, with deformities and innocent to be offered as a sacrifice for the offense. God offered up his son Jesus as the sacrifice, the only suitable means to satisfy the sin offense (John 3:16). In the crucifixion of Jesus, his beatings and mocking, all of the wrath or judgment of God was poured out so we as humans would not have to experience it. Jesus paid it all.
Jesus’ death satisfied the judgment of a holy God and it requires each and every human to accept it and trust God by faith. God’s method of biblical salvation from his word is from Romans 10:9-13;
“9if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. 13 For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
If after you have read the preceding message of biblical salvation and understand more clearly what it is, what it is not, what the consequences of not having it are and the benefits of receiving it is, you can be saved.
But if there is something we can do to assist you give a call (757-483-4821) or email us (nbbcMinistry@yahoo.com) and we will do what we can.