Good morning, we would like to thank you for joining us for another edition of Pulpit Points. Please continue to pray for one another and that we can be a greater blessing to each other. In our time of “social distancing” we are encouraging you to be considerate of those who are less fortunate, those who have lost loved ones due to this COVID-19 virus and those who are unsure where their next paycheck or meal is coming from. Pray for those who are expected to care for those are ill, in nursing homes and incarcerated. Those who keep the store shelves stocked with the supplies we need. Ask the Lord to not only guide and give wisdom to our civic leaders and medical experts but that they would listen and be open to obey His wisdom. May our tongues not be as open to criticize as they are to extend prayers. Again, thank you for your diligence in your support both in service and your financial giving to New Berean. Please be safe, take care of yourself and your family as we are stay focused of God’s desire and will for your life. Be thankful.
And now another message from Pulpit Points with Pastor Leroy Ricks, Sr…
Pray As Jabez Prayed – God cares more for us than we can ever imagine. He reminds us that, faith is what pleases Him (Heb. 11:6). He reminds us in His word, that our thoughts do not measure up to His (Isa. 55:8-9) and that we must not be double-minded (Jam 1:5-8)
In today’s message, Pastor Ricks shared with the congregation a message entitled, “Pray Like Jabez Prayed”. In the prayer Jabez offered to the Lord his God (1 Chronicles 4:9-10), he left for us a model of things we can specifically petition the Lord for things in our own life. Jabez prayed:
- Bless Me Lord – Knowing the Lord as we do, we know He is in the business of blessing his children. We ought to all be in line to talk to our heavenly Father to make our requests of blessings to him.
- Enlarge My Territory – Specifically, what are we looking for from our Father? He wants us to come to his holy throne in confidence (I John 5:14). We can go to him and lay out exactly the concerns and issues weighing heavy on our heart.
- That Your Hand Lord, Would Be With Me –
- God, Keep Me From Evil, That I May Not Cause Pain
God’s desire for us is to know we can trust Him and he cares for us. Be encouraged that just as Jabez prayed, we can go to our Lord in faith and boldly ask for grace to help in our time of need (Heb. 4:14-16)