April 19th – Psalm 2:1-12
Until the King of King reigns forever, there will be other Kings and other kingdoms. Some will be mightier than others. But out of all that will be, the Lord God holds there existence. And all but one will be set down. That one being the Kingdom of his dear Son, Jesus.

In this week’s lesson, the Psalmist writes about the everlasting kingdom of the coming Messiah. The Psalm opens with a question, why. Why what? Because, by nature, men/mankind think more of themselves than they ought, it is understandable why they rage. Fame, fortune and power are never enough to satisfy the cravings of a sinful heart. Apart from the grace and judgement of God, these cravings will always lead to destruction. In time, men will seek and devise ways to subdue and control other kingdoms for their own selfish purposes. They even will seek to overthrow the One who reigns supreme (v2). It is inconceivable to believe one would seriously challenge God, but the depravity and wickedness of an unrepentant heart will.
Study with us this week as we explore how the Lord will set the record straight and bring into place in time his only begotten son (Read Psalm 110).
Next Week’s Lesson – The Solid Rock (Psalm 118)