Be Thankful , in today’s Pulpit Points message, Pastor Ricks shares three reasons why we should maintain an attitude of gratitude. With so many things and events happening in our world, we can develop an attitude of ingratitude. God wants us to stay focused on Him the Author and Finisher of our faith more than the circumstances around us. As real as they can be at times, we are encouraged to know that our God is worthy to be praise for the things we now in Him.
Three things we are to be thankful for :
God’s Incredible Gift – II Corinthians 9:5 “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! “
God is Causing Us To Triumph in Jesus – II Corinthians 2:14a “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ..”
God Gives Us the Ultimate Victory in Christ – I Corinthians 15:57 “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ”.
For the Believer, everyday is a day of thanksgiving. Although we have Thanksgiving as a national holiday, we are not limited to being thanks for the God of our salvation and the things we have in Him. Let us take the time everyday to count some of our many blessing and see what God has done.