– Sunday Devotional: Psalm 66:1-8, 16-20,There are many thoughts that come to mind when we think of our God. AWESOME comes to the forefront of our minds when we consider the wonders of his wisdom. He has demonstrated his awesomeness throughout time and eternity and has allowed us to witness some of it here in time. Study with us this week as we examine the awesomeness of the Lord God.
The children of Israel we eyewitnesses of God’s awesomeness when He delivered from the hand of Pharaoh (Exodus 15). The power and sheer might of the Lord in utterly destroying the Egyptians was reduced to how able he is to deliver his people from even the darkest of days. God has no limit to his power nor is there any who can rival this power. We are encouraged to rest in the Lord and He will bring us through.

In reading the account of the the three Hebrew youths who refused to bow and worship another god, instead they chose to be faithful and trust the true and living God. God did not deliver them from the fiery condemnation but rather chose to deliver them while they were in the fire. King Nebuchadnezzar was so taken by the awesome display of God he himself blessed the Lord Da. 3:28-29. and is recorded as stating;
Dan. 4:3 “How great are His signs, and how mighty His wonders!
His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and His dominion is from generation to generation”
It is to our advantage that we too recognize and appreciate who God is and give Him the respect he deserves. Great is our God and he is greatly to be praised. Every day we are positioned to experience and witness the simple awesome power, wisdom and grace of our eternal Lord.