Saturday June 20th, 9-10:00 am
Join the Prayer Warriors of New Berean Baptist Church for our monthly Corporate Prayer time. It is a time for us to come together collectively, having all things in common as we consult the Lord our God for his wisdom and direction, blessings and instructions.
We’re asking as many as can and will come out for the special time to pray for among many other things:
- Our Pastor’s health to improve, for healing and restoration
- The Ricks family, hope, peace and comfort in the lives during this time
- Sister Ricks to be healed and delivered physically and mentally
- For the entire New Berean Church family to be grow in the things of God and honor him with our lives, our time, service and respective ministries. Let us be about our Father’s business in every aspect of our lives.
- For salvation for those we know and love in our extended families, co-workers, friends and acquaintances.
- For our Country and all the social, economical and political ills that we have and our role as preachers of the gospel and ministers of righteousness to the people in our area of influences.