It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High: Psalm 92:1
The “giving of thanks” to the Lord our God really a “no-brainer”. We as Believers in the Lord are going to give thanks even if we have to do it alone. We give thanks because it is right, and it a good thing to do (Ps. 92:1). But as with every other aspect of our public life, the pandemic that has its grip on our world and community has now impacted our personal life.
Due to the rising numbers of positive cases in our local areas (Data Tracker), our Medical community, Local, State and Federal government agencies have issued new restrictions and guidelines for the way we conduct our lives, including the ways we celebrate Thanksgiving. With that in light, we are asking and encouraging everyone to seriously consider adjusting to these recommendations for the sake of everyone’s safety. In Titus 3:1, we are reminded, “Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work“. No one is telling us we cannot serve, worship, celebrate or honor the Lord. But we are in a medical pandemic situation which requires us to make some changes to help curve the transmission of the disease. We all have been personally impacted by this disease and too recommend you be wise in minimizing contacts with family and friends we are not used to.
Even if you cannot, use the information and recommendations provided for you in the link below to help plan out your family functions and festivities. Thank you and continue to give thank to the Lord, for he is good and his mercy is everlasting.

VA Governor Executive Order: #67 AMENDED
Pay particular attention to page 11 section B.1 OTHER RESTRICTIONS
All Public and Private In-Person Gatherings
All public and private in-person gatherings of more than 25 individuals are prohibited. The presence of more than 25 individuals performing functions of their employment or assembled in an educational instructional setting is not a “gathering.” A “gathering” includes, but is not limited to, parties, celebrations, or other social events, whether they occur indoors or outdoors.