Share With Anyone in Need – Everyone has a need but not everyone can share. But when we pull together and pool our resources we have the potential to meet the needs. During the terror reign of Saul, (Acts 8:1), the church was scattered. Being scattered from our comfort zone allows the word of God to be spread to a broad segment of our communities.
But Team Berea, sharing is basically the body of Christ ministering to the Body of Christ. Whatever skills you’ve been gifted, you are expected to employ them within the body of believers to benefit and bless them.

The body is designed fitted and formatted to supply to other parts of the body as the need arises. We all are gifted, fitted and formatted as God saw fit to meet the needs of the other body members (I Cor. 12:12-31). The hand is to scratch the arm or back when it itches. The arms would brace the body when it trips and fall from incurring any serious injury. We are blessed when we are all in our place operating and serving within the body as we were intended.
With our particular situation and circumstances regarding our health, we have been challenged to explore our creative resources and help one another know and experience the things of God. How do we employ the talents of those at our local assembly?