Archive | December 16, 2020

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Join us here this and every Wednesday at New Berean Baptist as we take advantage of this opportunity to renew our minds. Beginning at noon, we invite you to join our Prayer Warriors as we together, collectively wherever we are to Pause-N-Pray before the Lord’s throne of grace. If you care to share any specific request with us, let us know on our Pause-N-Pray contacts information.

Also Pastor Cason with take us through an examination of various subjects and bible lessons designed to encourage, challenge and prompt us to be as the Berean did – search the scriptures (Acts 17:11). This week’s lesson audio lesson, Cason will take us through another edition of “What We As Bereans Believe“. He is sharing with us the basic foundational doctrines the ministry of New Berean is founded. Join us today beginning at 2:00 pm.

Another opportunity to grow and be renewed in our minds is our Ladies Weekly Bible Study (via ZOOM). We are excited about how the Lord has chosen to teach our women. So zoom in and be encouraged by the teaching of God’s word.

That the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things – Titus 2:3

God has chosen to scatter us. But He has chosen this and many other ways to have us be renewed in our minds through the teaching of God’s word. The Ladies of New Berean have accepted this opportunity to share with and encourage us during this time of scattering.

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