Watch Night at New Berean will not be the same as it has. There will be no corporate gathering to hear the songs of hope and faith. There will not be the familiar gatherings of laugher and encouragement. The time of holding hands and standing as we prayed -in the new year, to thank the Lord for the great things he had done while in anticipation for the hope of more great things to come. For the past 31 years, New Berean has gathered together in our building to share, fellowship, testify of the things we have witnessed and experience during the past year. We all have had some of the most extreme circumstances imaginable happen to us this past year. But as Paul testified before in his second letter to Timothy (II Tim. 3:10-12) we too can say how the Lord delivered us out them all.

Please take a moment, if you would and share with us God’s demonstration of his powerful love towards you. It will mean a lot to others that God is still working in the lives of his people here at New Berean. The fact he is still speaking to us, working in and through us will encourage those who need it. The year 2020 has been one for the books with the lost of our beloved Pastor and Founder Leroy E. Ricks, Sr. We are greatly appreciative for the life he lived before us, the biblical instructions and practical teachings he poured into our lives. But God is still working out his plan. As he allowed Moses and Israel to move forward by passing the torch onto Joshua, he has done it again with Pastor Ricks and New Berean. We are to grow into following His plan and be about our Father’s business. God’s grace will sustain us, it is sufficient.

If care to, share with us how God’s grace has been imparted to you personally this year. Use the comments block below and testify for the Lord and encourage one another as we see the day approaching (Heb. 10:25).

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