New Berean announces this year’s Annual Christmas Day service with Little Grove Baptist Church and our Watch Night service will not take place this year. We are making this important decision is due to the need to care and take precaution for the people of God.
We are in a precarious situation in our country with the COVID19 pandemic and by wise counsel, have chosen not to meet or gather on the premises of New Berean on these two special service. We have been given only one body to carry out God’s mission and we are take care of the temple as honorable as best we can.

We are asking for the New Berean family ministry to follow the safe guidelines and executive orders of our government officials to help minimize the spread of the COVID virus. It is imperative that we as the body of Christ trust God and obey those who have rule over us (Tit. 3:1) so that when its is all said and done we will glorify our Lord and fair better than those on the outside by our obedience (Dan. 1:8-21) .
In the meantime, continue to pray for and encourage one another that our faith not fail but we be encouraged in the faithfulness of our loving Father (Josh. 1:8).

Virginia Governor’s Executive Order #67 & #68
In between our times of corporate fellowship, keep in contact and share with your respective Deacon and or ministry Leaders any issues or concerns we can help with. Stay Connected…