For many of us, Wednesday marks a time of renewal and refreshing. A time to reflect on the things of God since Sunday and store up for the rest of the week. Here at New Berean, we have a couple opportunities to gather ourselves for the daily challenges to grow in Christ
- Pause-N-Pray Wherever you may be today, join our Prayer Warriors as we go before the Lord’s Holy throne where we can give Him our heart of thanks as well as petitions for things we need. His grace is sufficient for every situation.
- Sunday’s Pulpit Points preached message – Every Sunday we are afforded the opportunity hear the word God as preached and declared by Pastor DeWayne Cason. This week’s message taken from I Cor. 13 entitled, “The Greatest of These is Love” was Paul’s reminder of Love’s Eminence Over Spiritual Gifts (1 Cor. 13:1-3), Love’s Virtues Explained (1 Cor. 13:4-7) and Love’s Endurance (1 Cor. 13:8-13). Take a moment and watch this video recorded in our worship center.
- Ladies ZOOM Bible Study – Join our Ladies ministry tonight for a study in the word of God
- Mid-Week Study with Pastor Cason – Join Pastor Cason today for his weekly audio study. His current series is entitle, “Titus. Right Living Through Sound Doctrine“. Paul sought to share some sound instructions with his understudy and son in the ministry Titus. As the word of God spread throughout the world Paul wanted Titus to organize the local assemblies.
We want you to be encouraged and connected.