Be Still and Know

Joan Jackson

Follow our new weekly devotional and inspirational post by Joan Jackson. Joan a recent graduate of the Anglos Bible College of Calvary Evangelical Baptist church. As an student and teacher of the scriptures, Joan has taken on the challenge to share the scriptures through this media platform and hopes of encouraging you as the Lord her God has encouraged her. The Lord has intentionally done great things in our lives and through her weekly devotional, we’ll see what His intentions are and what our intentional response ought to be. Be encouraged, be still and know…God.

Who Am I?

I would like to thank Michelle Lazurek for granting me permission to use “7 Myths of Forgiveness” in this article”

Biblical Forgiveness – Myth #1

Biblical Forgiveness – Myth #2

Biblical Forgiveness – Myth #3

Biblical Forgiveness – Myth #4

Biblical Forgiveness – Myth #5

Biblical Forgiveness – Myth #6

Biblical Forgiveness – Myth #7