Missionary as defined is a person sent on an assignment to carry a message to a foreign or other land and country. Here at New Berean, we accept the reality that all of us as believers are called and assigned by the Lord to carry the message of the cross to other across the planet. After his resurrection from the dead, Jesus assigned his disciples to take the word of God’s grace as extended through his finished work on the cross to the heart and eats or everyone (Mark 16:14-16). While some have taken this assignment as their personal calling in the ministry, all of us as disciples and followers of the Lord have this assignment as well and we do it practically through our “Marketplace Evangelism” initiative and support to those on the mission field.
Our mission support here at New Berean extends to Costa Rica, The Philippines, Ceraso (in the Caribbean) and India

Along with your prayerful and financial support for the work going on around the world, we also support by actively reaching out to our community through “Marketplace Evangelism”, the Crisis Pregnancy Center and Union Missions.
Be encouraged, be involved and support the Commission of Christ through your local church

Training is the first and second Tuesdays of every month at 7:00 pm and we go out into the Market the 3rd and 4th Tuesdays with Pastor “Tony”