Archive | December 2023

Be My Guest

I’d like to invite you to be my Special Guest this Sunday.

If you are new to the Hampton Roads area, looking for Church to attend, or are visiting one of our members, put New Berean on your list of places to visit this weekend.

But Why Come to Church?

You may ask, “can’t I worship and praise God at home or wherever?” Yes, you can, however there are a number of things to consider about NOT coming to church. The “local assembly” or church as we commonly call it is hub for all of God’s New Testament order. It the place where ministry begins. The local church…

  • is where believers of like faith in Christ Jesus gather for fellowship, communion and sharing our resources (Acts 4:32-37).
  • is the place where all biblical education, training and dispatching for evangelism begins (Matt. 28:20)
  • is where believers submit and subject themselves to God’s divine order of responsibility and accountability (Hebrews 13:7, 17)
  • is the place where believers of like faith gather to encourage and provoke love, and spiritual gifts of each other and is not to be neglected (Hebrews 10:24-25)
  • is where the role of Bishops and Deacons are assigned for the care, oversight and spiritual feeding of all believers exist (I Tim. 31-13)

So, in reality, you can be a believer and worship God at home or anywhere else (John 4:21-25). But as the growth and development of the Christian faith progressed and became organized (Tit. 1:5), the need to establish biblical meeting places for the scattered one became vital to the continuance of the work (James 1:1). .

What To Expect When You Visit Us at New Berean

  • A Warm and welcoming atmosphere
  • Spirited and encouraging worship music (Traditional and Contemporary)
  • Biblically sound preaching and teaching
  • Safe and Secure Facility
  • No Pressure Environment
  • A Clear Understanding of Our Vision & Purpose – The BereanWay
  • A “Teaming” Ministry Utilizing the Talents and Spiritual Gifts of Everyone With Opportunities of Spiritual Growth, WE ARE TEAM BEREA

Please review our “Safe Fellowship Protocol” as part of your checklist. We are currently wearing masks while inside the worship facility and offering our “Drive Up & Tune-In” available option for those who cannot come in with crowd.

Join Us This Sunday

Sunday Morning Prayer, Praise and Preaching

In the theme of The BereanWay, John Francis Wade penned these words to our beloved Christmas carols,

“O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.

For he alone is worthy, For he alone is worthy,
For he alone is worthy, Christ the Lord.

We can and should celebrate the birth of our Lord in the true spirit of Christmas. For in the birth of Christ there is redemption, salvation, forgiveness of sin, and the highest expression of of God’s love towards us. Once we have accepted this reality by faith we can truly adore him, Christ the Lord.

The Prophet Isiah wrote, “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. and His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” announcing the birth of the coming Savior (Isa. 9:6). And Luke recorded the actual fulfillment of that prophecy Lk 2:11-12), “for there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord, and this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.” For every Believer, the birth of Jesus is a merry event. It marks the blessed birth of the Savior, the One who John said, “taketh away the sin of the world (Jhn, 1:29).

Read up on and study this week’s Sunday School Devotional
We have Junior Church and Nursery for your Youth
Open Stores are Open Doors. Join us as we take the Good News of Jesus to the Marketplace Evangelism

Give To, Donate or Support New Berean Ministry

New Berean Baptist Church Invites and Welcomes You

This Week at New Berean…

Pulpit Points with Antonio Harris – Check out our archived collection of messages from the pulpit preaching of “Pastor Tony”, Since joining us as Senior pastor in June, he has blessed and encouraged our hearts with the words of God in preparing us to receive the vision of, The BereanWay.

  • Sunday’s Pulpit Point’s message “Walking With the Shepherd” with Pastor Tony Harris, Watch or listen again to Sunday’s Pulpit Points message. (video/audio)
  • Marketplace Evangelismtraining with Pastor Tony is going on every 1st and 2nd Tuesday. On the 3rd and 4th Tuesdays, join us as grow in our faithful obedience to the Lord in taking the good news of God’s love and grace to the hedges and highways.
  • Mid-Week Virtual Prayer and Bible Study for both men and women via zoom
  • Stay connected with opportunities of grow and service with our Calendar of Up-coming Events

Sponsored by the Prayer Warrior’s Ministry

You’re invited this Sunday to fellowship with for our Super Bowl Fellowship this Sunday.

Wear your favorite Team jersey to the morning service, even if you team is not playing in the big game.

Tuesday is Marketplace Evangelism Night

Join us this Tuesday evening as we go out in the hedges, highways, byways and local stores to share Christ with those who will hear.

Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer

via ZOOM
ZOOM in 875 7229 6913 – 1711

Join in and Grow Together

Pulpit Points with Pastor Tony Harris

Holiday Evangelism in the Marketplace

People are out in the streets, laughing, shopping and gathering for various holiday festivities. As so are we. Let us take this special time to open up and engage others in a conversation about Jesus, who is the real reason for the season.

Life seems to be in such chaos, with all the violence, political unrest and multitude of wars around the world. But that’s not the way it was originally. God’s original design was his human creation interacting with one another, with his animal and earthly creations. All carrying on in harmony and having fellowship with him (Gen 1, 2).

The sin was introduced into the perfect environment through the rebellion and disobedience of Adam and Eve, all of mankind and the earth as it was once known was cast into a downward spiral of continue and destructive direction (Gen. 3, Rom. 5:12). Once God’s design was broken, mankind has attempted to recapture that communion and fellowship with the environment. The problem is and has been the attempt is being done man’s own way and not by God’s divine order (Rom. 1:21-23).

The 3 Circles of Evangelism image, helps us understand how sin broke and disrupted God’s design and how order can be restored. Mankind, broken as we are, has attempted to recover itself through various vices and have created other issues and problems that have made even more chaos and confusion.

The bottom line is God wants us to be restored through repentance, prayer and faithful obedience to the Gospel, the Good News of his love and grace (Titus 2:11-14).

Life on Mission has provided us with some easy tools to help share the faith in God.

Help someone experience the true meaning and richness of Christmas by coming to a restored and saving knowledge of Jesus the Christ

Talking to Our Children About Christ (pdf)
Additional Resource and Helpful Information

Download the Life On Mission app (below) to help assist you in sharing,

Life on Mission App